So would you rather have every moment as an ordinary one so that your ignorance would keep you happy? Or would you have that one perfect moment and then go through the pain of knowing that nothing ever again would be able to equal it? They used to teach us in school that all good things must come to an end, I'm afraid they will one day. I hope I'll be able to live with it, when the day comes.
Just what do you do, when you are afraid of the one thing that makes you happiest. When you see the perfect moment, and you know that it is just a moment, that it would get over like all other moments. And what do you do after having seen perfection, when every other moment that follows is just not good enough, no matter how good it is. There is something wrong with the theory of relativity, because if we compare everything with the best moment, then every other moment would be the worst. It feels unfair, and it feels wrong. Because, then you become afraid of the best times, precisely because they are the best times and nothing, ever again, would be good enough.
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