Three Days

Three days that were magical. Three days that destroyed and repainted the image I have of 'her'. Three days that blew away six years worth of thinking. There is a lot that I could overcome, a lot that I could defeat with the courage that I found. A courage that I have lost again, for the same reason, at the will of the same fate, again. I'm sitting here alone and thinking what I did wrong. Perhaps I have the answer, perhaps the three days gave it to me. The three days that made me wish again, and after which, I have lost all courage to ever wish again. Three days that gave me everything, and then took away the dream mercilessly. Three days that I wish had stayed forever. Three days that I wish had never happened.

Never again. Never ever again.

Forgotten Darknesses

There is no water out here,
there is no way to clean my hands.
A scar of a knife that I gave myself,
my own blood that betrayed myself.
The pleasure was too great to handle,
the outcome I didn't think would matter.
The burden is all that stays now
and I am the one who pays now.

There is no compassion out here,
there is no way to end this sorrow.
The ugly darkness of my past
stays with me for every tomorrow.
There are no lies, and no escapes.
'Cos someone watched the Garden of Eden
when Adam ate the fruit of hate.
It is a sin they say, and I have no doubt.
But this soul pleads for a way out of this ugly clout.