It took nine desperate hours to put the circuit together the first time. Seemed good. Good enough to give me a peaceful sleep that night, only to wake me up to the horror of broken wires the next morning, their loose ends visible just like the ones my life was developing that instant. It was bad, and it made me tear the whole circuit apart. 
And then Mr.'Frustrated' PD started again. Same old circuit with new wires and a new design. It's been five agonizing hours and finally the whole circuit looks like one piece, and well, so does my life. By the way, the circuit isn't acting the way it's supposed to (I wouldn't be writing this if it was), or rather, I should say the circuit isn't acting at all. I guess someone might say that it's a waste of five hours, but funnily enough, that's not the case. Our very respected college Professors are dumb, dumb enough to be fooled with a non-working circuit. It's been done before, and will be done again tomorrow. Atleast I've got something visible to show her, and that should turn out to be enough. But that's not the point. It's taken fourteen hours to get this done, hours which could have been spent doing much more useful (read, useless) stuff :P
Whoever adviced me to take Electronics. And whoever said Engineering was easy.