While idly looking at Natalie Martinez's wallpaper on my laptop screen I came up with this line that seems to define me completely- To do everything you possibly could, and dazzle everyone once it's done. I've been following this mantra without ever realizing it. I would take up every challenge that comes my way, and when it gets too difficult, I'd tell myself that it'll be fine. That I'll manage, like I always do. That in the end when it's over, I'll come out on the brighter side. But this time, it seems to have gone too far. There's too much to do, some things that I chose to, some things that I have to. I'm not the one to back out, but I will be very surprised if I end up justifying my presence in everything that I have to do. And yet just when I start getting all pessimistic, I'm reminded of this another line, something I though of sometime back-Limits exist for those who limit their minds. In limitless thinking, lies limitless growth. I'm not sure what to believe in, but I guess I'll know when May arrives, when this will all be over.
By the way, there's another thing I've realised in these past few days. This might give my friends all the opportunities to crack gay jokes on me, but I do believe that guys are much better friends than girls could ever be. They might make fun of you at times, and we might be rude to each other always but I know, that they'll be there when I need them to be. While on the other hand, I completely fail to understand why girls have to act all mushy all the time. They'll get offended by the slightest change in the tone of your voice but it's OK if they are the ones being rude. You'll have to say sorry no matter whose fault it was and they'll conviniently pretend that they don't understand a thing. You have to stop if they don't feel like talking but you're being impolite if you don't always reply the way they want you to. They'll be nosy about everything (including your meals, ewwww) and they'll proudly say that they're simply being caring towards you.
But I guess, they're still my friends nonetheless. Can't really make up my mind on this issue.. :P
You'll have to say sorry no matter whose fault it was
bang on
I know!
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