Les Amis :)

When I joined college, I had no idea what to expect, no idea which clubs to apply for. Basically, I had no idea what life to chose for myself. Bless that school friend of mine who had told me that being in Les Amis was considered cool and that last minute motivation which made me come for an interview that I was certain to miss. And today, when I look back, I can easily say that any descripition of my college life would be completely incomplete without the mention of this organization, without the mention of days like today, which could not have happened without Les Amis. I don't think I've ever laughed harder than what I did today, or for a longer time either. This is one day I'm not forgetting very soon.This was so much more than anything I could have ever expected.
People in college, my friends included, might have varying opinions about Les Amis, not all good. I respect them for what they think, but it really doesn't matter. What matters is that this organization is one of the best things that happened to me since I joined college. What matters is that Les Amis is so much more important than any rude remarks that anyone might make about it.
I don't really know why I never mentioned this on this blog before. I guess I was saving it all for a special day, like today :) 

Limitless Limits II

It took just one look in the mirror, and I knew. Its very easy to find faults in others, though equally hard to accept your follies. Girls or guys, there are very few people I can truly call friends. They have their weaknesses, but I can't forget that they accept me with mine, so I need to do the same. Point taken. Relief  :-D

Limitless Limits

By the end of May this year, this will all be over. And I'll know something then, something I'm dying to find out right now. Did I stretch myself too far? Is this the limit? 
While idly looking at Natalie Martinez's wallpaper on my laptop screen I came up with this line that seems to define me completely- To do everything you possibly could, and dazzle everyone once it's done. I've been following this mantra without ever realizing it. I would take up every challenge that comes my way, and when it gets too difficult, I'd tell myself that it'll be fine. That I'll manage, like I always do. That in the end when it's over, I'll come out on the brighter side. But this time, it seems to have gone too far. There's too much to do, some things that I chose to, some things that I have to. I'm not the one to back out, but I will be very surprised if I end up justifying my presence in everything that I have to do. And yet just when I start getting all pessimistic, I'm reminded of this another line, something I though of sometime back-Limits exist for those who limit their minds. In limitless thinking, lies limitless growth. I'm not sure what to believe in, but I guess I'll know when May arrives, when this will all be over.

By the way, there's another thing I've realised in these past few days. This might give my friends all the opportunities to crack gay jokes on me, but I do believe that guys are much better friends than girls could ever be. They might make fun of you at times, and we might be rude to each other always but I know, that they'll be there when I need them to be. While on the other hand, I completely fail to understand why girls have to act all mushy all the time. They'll get offended by the slightest change in the tone of your voice but it's OK if they are the ones being rude. You'll have to say sorry no matter whose fault it was and they'll conviniently pretend that they don't understand a thing. You have to stop if they don't feel like talking but you're being impolite if you don't always reply the way they want you to. They'll be nosy about everything (including your meals, ewwww) and they'll proudly say that they're simply being caring towards you. 
But I guess, they're still my friends nonetheless. Can't really make up my mind on this issue.. :P 


Indian movies are not meant to be what Dev.D was. It takes guts to show women as this one did, and it takes guts to show reality as this one does. It was hard, and it was real. You might end up calling it an adult film, but the story is so much more than just that. 
For once, the songs weren't a liability on the movie. For once, the director bothered more about what he wanted to potray than the sensibility of the veiwer. It was creativity at it's very best. 
Deserves every fragment of the 5 stars that have been bestowed upon it. 

Hard, that keeps gettin' Harder

I really don't want to start this post with endless references to the number of projects that need to be done, or the amount of work I need to complete, but really, that's the only thing going on right now. Today, I finally sat down to objectively find out exactly what needs to be done. Needless to say, the list was huge, and it's right now sitting pretty on the front of my cupboard, visible everytime I look up from the monitor screen. So every few minutes, this page of paper reminds me of the hopeless situation I'm in, and the only chance I have of getting any of this done is to stop writing this post and getting started. But I'm obviously not going to do that. I'm going to sit here and write useless stuff about monotonous days that don't even deserve a mention.
I'm not someone to talk about others behind their backs but I've been audience to something similar for quite some time now, and no, I don't like it much. Really don't know what I can do about it though. The culprit is a friend, and he's just the way he is. There's no point trying to stop him, I'd much rather climb the Mount Everest. :P
Everything else is just the same. Romantic and Academic prospects are as bleak as ever. 
Lord, when does the sun shine on me, if ever ?

I Swear...

I swear that this time I will stand up.
Not for what I believe in, but for what I don't.
This time I will vote.Not for, but against.
Against my own helplessness.
Against my own laziness.
Against two words called 'Chalta hai'.
Against powerless inquiry comissions, and powerful vote banks.
Against religion in politics, and politics in religion.
Against every cynic, every non believer.
Against the belief that nothing will change.
Against the feeling that my vote cannot make a difference.
Against every excuse for not voting.
I will do this withtout fear or shame.
Because only by voting against all that is destroying our todays,
will I give my children something to vote for tomorrow.


I could use a number of adjectives to describe myself but 'crazy' won't be one of them. And yet today turned out to be exactly that. Not the usual crazy stuff you end up doing in college but something very refreshing. 
If you've ever visited the Pinjore gardens you would've probably seen the twelve feel high wall at the rear end, the passage to which leads through this huge mess of tress. At about ten in the night, that's two hours ago, I was standing on top of that wall and looking to a world beyond. I think I would never have done that but there's this friend of mine whose got all the guts in the world and he pushes me to do stuff I can never imagine myself doing. You get this eerie feeling while doing something crazy, as if every muscle in your body has conspired to make you let go, when your mind tells you to do the right thing and stop, but you've come too far to let go, and you get on with it anyway. And just when you think that you can't, you get this last gust of energy and suddenly, you're there. It's then that you realise what you've just done. And it feels like a battle won, a fear conquered.
But conquering the fear wasn't the end, rather it was just the beginning. After all the wall climbing, we had a quite dinner, and just when I thought that it was time to go back home, I realised the car keys were missing and I'd somehow dropped them at the ghastly place. And when I ran to get 'em back, it was fear as I had never really known it. Not of ghosts or animals, but of a truth staring right at my face. If the keys had fallen on the other side of the wall, there was no way back home. I was stuck and I could do nothing about it. But I'm home now, so that means I found the keys. As they shimmered in the fading moonlight which could just make it's way through the dense trees, I realised i wouldn't have been happier even if I had ended up locating a diamond. Reminds me of a some lyrics from a song called Affirmation 'You don't know what you got until it says goodbye'.  And of all the things in the world, it had to be some stupid car keys. *Sighs*

The Solder, the wire and the flux

It took nine desperate hours to put the circuit together the first time. Seemed good. Good enough to give me a peaceful sleep that night, only to wake me up to the horror of broken wires the next morning, their loose ends visible just like the ones my life was developing that instant. It was bad, and it made me tear the whole circuit apart. 
And then Mr.'Frustrated' PD started again. Same old circuit with new wires and a new design. It's been five agonizing hours and finally the whole circuit looks like one piece, and well, so does my life. By the way, the circuit isn't acting the way it's supposed to (I wouldn't be writing this if it was), or rather, I should say the circuit isn't acting at all. I guess someone might say that it's a waste of five hours, but funnily enough, that's not the case. Our very respected college Professors are dumb, dumb enough to be fooled with a non-working circuit. It's been done before, and will be done again tomorrow. Atleast I've got something visible to show her, and that should turn out to be enough. But that's not the point. It's taken fourteen hours to get this done, hours which could have been spent doing much more useful (read, useless) stuff :P
Whoever adviced me to take Electronics. And whoever said Engineering was easy.


Feels good to be writing again. If anyone was wondering, my blog isn't dead, and neither am I. It's just been so long and there's been so much to write. Everytime something happened I would make a mental note of puttting in on my blog when my net connection finally worked, but suddenly sitting here right now, I don't feel like writing anything much.
Exams are over, and I completely sucked. After all the plans me and Raunaq made of redeeming our last semester's grades, I'm at a loss to say how it ended up being so bad. I studied, and that's the worst part of it. But atleast they are over, good for me.
My parents have seriously started doubting that I'm going out with someone after all the long hours in college, though unfortunately, that's not the case. I could only think of the Nokia N series tagline when my mum asked what keeps me in college so late. It's not one thing, I told her, it's many :P
The only apparent thing about my life right now is that I don't have one. Between the tens of projects that need to be completed and an even greater number of lectures that need to be attended, I miss lazing around uselessly at the cafe. I'm not sure if I want to sacrifice my college life for my 'greater good' anymore. But I guess it'll payoff someday, or rather, I hope it will.