I waste around half a day everyday sleeping in classes and getting myself through labs in a college that I've given up on. I have started to prepare for my post grad studies which is going to take pretty much the whole of my college life from now on. I am probably going to do my MBA from a good B-School (hopefully, at least) where (from what I hear) spending ten hours a day on your college work isn't enough. And then, I am going to land up some sixteen hours a day kind of jobs with a good pay package for some corporate bigwig where the whole mantra would be to make profit.
That's the plan, and it sucks; Big Time. That's not the life I ever wanted but it seems like I'm not the one making decisions here. Money was never really important, and that's the only thing I might end up with (that too, in a best case scenario).
I mean, last I knew I was still a young guy getting used to college. I'm not even ready to do a professional post grad degree forget doing a job and actually earning money. That's supposed to be far away in the future isn't it, when we become all old and mature and when we finally realize what the 'right thing' is; and yet it seems so woefully close, just a blink away. And I'm afraid to close my eyes because the next thing I see in the mirror might not be me, but a money hungry technocrat working his ass off to deadlines to keep on feeding his greed.
And there's no way out.